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Home : Quick Start Examples : Example 1

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Example 1:

Image Missing Alternate TextProviding alternate or "alt" text for images is the first checkpoint listed in the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines. All images, including those used for decorative purposes, graphical representations of text, bullets, symbols, and spacers, require a text equivalent.A-Prompt Repair:The repair process for adding missing "alt" text is straightforward. Simply enter a text description for the image in the text field provided. A-Prompt's repair dialog offers general guidelines for writing appropriate "alt" text for specific images.

screen shot showing 'photo missing alt text' repair dialog box

The repair for "Image missing alternate text" is now complete. Select "Repair" to return to A-Prompt's "Accessibility Problems" dialog.

Continue to Example 2: Frame Missing Title

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UsableNet Approved (v. 1.3)  A-Prompt Version 1.0.5 checked. WAI level 'A'd